Multidimensional Energy Work

Your true nature is Divine. The energy work I do supports you in embodying your true divine nature.  Together we work to help you embrace that which has been denied, clear out what no longer serves you and support you in your evolutionary process. Being an intuitive and empath, I see what is hindering you and assist you in bringing it into awareness, acceptance and release or evolvement. We work together as partners to bring you into balance and harmony with your intention for the session.

We live in a Universe that is created through sound, which means that sounding is the fastest way to move energy. I hear the sounds in your body and my voice recreates the sounds of the energies you are ready to release, clearing out stuck emotions, entities and unsupportive beliefs. As these moves, we are able to dive deeper into the body and work directly with the organs, systems, chakras and channels in your body.

This work is designed to support you in the Evolutionary Shift that is happening now on Earth. You may choose to work on some of the following:

  • Filling your body with Light
  • Raising your vibration, allowing more love and power to flow through you
  • Clearing discordance from relationships
  • Being at peace
  • Opening your heart and embodying the energy of the Divine Feminine
  • Clearing out the dysfunction of patriarchy, separation and fear
  • Understanding how to work energetically to evolve

“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, nor how valuable it is, nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate YOU. Keep the channel open.”  –  Martha Graham


I have a ministry in healing prayer and have been, therefore, exposed to a variety of healing works and modalities and personalities. I want to emphasize that Ethel is a practitioner of the highest integrity. She is also excellent, providing very obvious, sometimes even dramatic healing results. We do not share the same theology and she has been deeply respectful and encouraging of my individual beliefs, while remaining true to hers. We have gracefully found common ground allowing me to work with her in my deepest personal areas with profound safety and trust. It is due to her integrity, authenticity, experience and giftedness that such trust was built. I was so impressed with her work that I have used her in lieu of traditional “spiritual direction” during my course in study for a Master of Divinity at Iliff School of Theology, a Methodist seminary.

Michele H.


I want everybody I know to come see you so they can be free of their constraints! Bless you Ethel.

Heidi V


My sessions with you have always transformative

Melanie Smith


I am truly grateful and blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for enriching my perspective, expanding my self-understanding and revealing many of the mysteries of the universe. It’s been quite the journey to discovering my “wings” – so far – I can’t wait to see more of their colors and where they will take me. You are a true gem!

Coach, Denver


I feel so much better since our time together. I also have to say, I always feel like I have completed a semester of graduate school after a session. You are an amazing teacher – very empowering.

Karen S, Denver

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